Monday 17 December 2012

FMP ideaa !

So I scraped my previous idea to go with the location furniture and found a new concept this morning, I was thinking about how I could incorporate film, art and design and the idea just came to me.

I havn't seen black swan yet but I am familier withe the clothing used, and I was thinking about taking the famous black ballerina dress and somehow designing it to merge with a Queen Victoria and Princess Elisabeth concept.

Queen Victoria
                                                                        Princess Elizabeth

Black swan dress and Make-up

My main idea for this concept is to create a whole new look using these ideas and I think it would be interesting to see how this piece is going to turn out.
Alessandro Mendini born in 1931 in Milan is an Italian designer and architect. He experimented and mixed different cultures , he wrote several books, created graphics, paintings, sculptures and architectural monuments.
Later on in his career he made huge leaps in art history ''In the seventies he was one of the main personalities of the Radical design movement. In 1979 he joined the Studio Alchimia as a partner and here he worked with Ettore Sottsass and Michele De Lucchi. In 1982 he co-founded Domus Academy, the first postgraduate design school.'' (taken from Wikipedia article named Alessandro Mendini)

Wikipedia, 2001. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 December 2012 ].

One of his works that I immensely liked was his redesign of Reitvelt's ZigZag chair. He transformed this piece into his own.

Rietvelt's ZigZag Chair

                                             Mendini's take on the Zig Zag chair

I feel that this is an amazing transformation because at first glance Mendini's work varies drastically from Reitvelt's but it's support system from beneath is the same but Mendini just transform the back supposrt of the chair, making it maybe more risky , it being a cross.

If I had to buy one of these I would defiantly choose Mendini's over Reitvelt's chair because I feel it is more daring and more appealing to the public and the human eye.

Sunday 16 December 2012

transform Lisa

As we all know this is the famous Mona Lisa painting, painted by Leonardo de Vinci. This portrait is one of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo which had been painted between 1503 and 1506. Presently this oil painting is being held at the Musée du Louvre in Paris and it has been said that it is "the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world."( Taken from wikipedia, article 'Mona Lisa')

I have recently learnt that this painting is called the Mona Lisa because in Italian my lady is donna so it had become madonna which was abreviated into Mona.

The paintings fame rocketed to the roof when it was Stolen in 1911. At first a musuem authority thought it had been taken to be photographed when he found out that it wasn't the Louvre was shut down for a week for investigative purposes. After two years ''Louvre employee Vincenzo Peruggia had stolen it by entering the building during regular hours, hiding in a broom closet and walking out with it hidden under his coat after the museum had closed.[8] Peruggia was an Italian patriot who believed Leonardo's painting should be returned to Italy for display in an Italian museum. Peruggia may have also been motivated by a friend whose copies of the original would significantly rise in value after the painting's theft. '' ( Taken from wikipedia, article 'Mona Lisa')

Wikipedia, 2001.  [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 November 2012 ].

I decided to write about this painting because a lot of people try to imitate such famous painting, may it be in sculpture, drawing or computer generating everyone tries to out a little twist upon this painting.


But my favourite so far would be this .
This is not a painting made by a famous artist this has been painted by a talented amateure that I had ran into on a blog . Stars Portraits, 2005. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 December 2012 ].

I like it so much because it adds up the painting of Mona Lisa , the influences of Picasso and Van Gogh's 'Stary Night' . The Mona Lisa is radidly transformed in many different ways, some people choose to change the idea completely and some others choose to keep the same idea but change a few points to replicate this famous painting.

The Godfather transforms you.

The famous movie that surely everyone has heard about, The Godfather. This is an epic crime film which was directec by Francis Ford Coppola . The storyline of the film is based on Mario Puzo's 1969 novel with the same title.

Wikipedia, 2001.  [online] Available at:  [ Accessed 15, December 2012].
The Film starts out with the Godfather (Marlon Brando) in his office running his 'family bussiness' whilst his daughters wedding is going on outside his house. After some time in the film Vito Corleone's son Micheal played by Al Pacino, appears when he tells his girlfriend Kay that he is not interested in his family business and doesn't want anything to do with his father.
And here is when my post gets interesting and the transformation kicks in. In this movie we see one big transformation, the change of Micheal Corleone when his father is murdered. Micheal ends up being the new Godfather when he follows his fathers footsteps and tries to get revenge.
In this transformation we see Al Pacino's character change drastically when he starts from being the good guy who just wants peace in his family and than ended up being a cold hearted killer.

I realised that colour has a huge role in this movie. In the begining of the film when Vito was in his office all you could see was darkness and people talking silently like they were hiding a secret, there was none to very dull music aswell but than when compared to the bustle of the outside wedding where Micheal is seen, all is well and there is lively music and bright vibrant colours added into the scene. I than noticed that when Micheal took the role of Godfather he didn't fit the brightness of that scene but he went into darkness like his father, and the rest of the film , after he takes over not much colour is seen in the scenes.

Vito and Micheal Corleone.

The contrast between the outside wedding and the inside office.


transform from location to furniture

Some locations are world known and are icons in building, construction and design for their specific country. For example, when thinking of Dubai, one thinks of the palm islands, when one thinks of London, Big Ben pops into mind.

I was browsing the Internet when I came up to 2 photos I really liked, which portrayed to iconic buildings which where turned into furniture with a very clever purpose.

the Eiffel Tower Lamp.
The Taj Mahal Table.
'The Tour Eiffel Lamp and Taj Mahal Table were envisioned by Studio Job and fall into the category of “you either love it or hate it”-designs.' Taken from'
freshome, 2007.  [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 December 2012 ].
For my final project I was thinking of doing something of the same idea, taking an amazing structure and transforming it into something useful and original. I love how the transformation in these pieces work out, they are simple ideas but that don't come to mind easily. They are creatively fresh and take great monuments and portray them in even greater furniture.

I had the Idea of transforming a Maltese famous landmark which is the Triton fountain in Valletta. I thought of making something that has to do with it , but I wasn't sure of how to execute my idea, so I would have to think more of what I should do.

Valletta Triton Fountain.
This amazing fountain was sculpted by local sculptor Vincent Apap in 1959 and till now it stood the test of time and is featured in front of the Valletta City Gate. ''On April 30, 2011, without any consultation with the public, the arts community and NGOs, the Government of Malta announced that it was moving the fountain from its present location in front of the entrance to the capital city Valletta. '' taken from Wikipedia with the Title 'Triton Fountain (Malta).

Wikipedia, 2001.  [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 december 2012 ].