Sunday 16 December 2012

The Godfather transforms you.

The famous movie that surely everyone has heard about, The Godfather. This is an epic crime film which was directec by Francis Ford Coppola . The storyline of the film is based on Mario Puzo's 1969 novel with the same title.

Wikipedia, 2001.  [online] Available at:  [ Accessed 15, December 2012].
The Film starts out with the Godfather (Marlon Brando) in his office running his 'family bussiness' whilst his daughters wedding is going on outside his house. After some time in the film Vito Corleone's son Micheal played by Al Pacino, appears when he tells his girlfriend Kay that he is not interested in his family business and doesn't want anything to do with his father.
And here is when my post gets interesting and the transformation kicks in. In this movie we see one big transformation, the change of Micheal Corleone when his father is murdered. Micheal ends up being the new Godfather when he follows his fathers footsteps and tries to get revenge.
In this transformation we see Al Pacino's character change drastically when he starts from being the good guy who just wants peace in his family and than ended up being a cold hearted killer.

I realised that colour has a huge role in this movie. In the begining of the film when Vito was in his office all you could see was darkness and people talking silently like they were hiding a secret, there was none to very dull music aswell but than when compared to the bustle of the outside wedding where Micheal is seen, all is well and there is lively music and bright vibrant colours added into the scene. I than noticed that when Micheal took the role of Godfather he didn't fit the brightness of that scene but he went into darkness like his father, and the rest of the film , after he takes over not much colour is seen in the scenes.

Vito and Micheal Corleone.

The contrast between the outside wedding and the inside office.


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