Sunday 13 January 2013

It's coming together...

This is a quick sketch I made of the ideas I had for my Task. I compiled my ideas of the McQueen dress Design, The painting of Queen Elizabeth and the dress from the Movie Black Swan.

I chose to make the dress big and extravagant like all the objects I took from the various topics. I took the lower part of the dress and made it look like an Elizabethan type dress but at the same time I incorporated the main design of the Black Swan ballerina dress, taking the black fabric, diamonds and feathers and finishing it off with a 'hood' style at the top replacing the collar of the Elizabethan dress and the crown from the Ballerina dress.

For the make up I decided to give the model a whiter/pale face and upon the eyes just add a black stripe to replace the heavy eye shadow from the original Black Swan ballerina.

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